Frederick man stays in line while dealing with dialysis - Frederick News Post (subscription) |
Staff photo by Graham Cullen
Line Dancing
CJ Donaldson leads a line dancing class Saturday at Asbury United Methodist Church in Frederick.
Staff photo by Graham Cullen
Line Dancing
CJ Donaldson, second from left, leads a line dancing class Saturday at Asbury United Methodist Church in Frederick.
- More Information
Community Line Dancing is at Asbury United Methodist Church, in the church basement, Saturdays from 6-8 p.m.
The church is at 101 W. All Saints St.
Admission is free.
Posted: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 2:00 am
Frederick man stays in line while dealing with dialysis By Laura Dukes Special to The News-Post The Frederick News-Post
When Curtis “CJ” Donaldson was evaluated for a kidney transplant, doctors said he was the most cheerful dialysis patient they’ve ever seen.
The Frederick 24-year-old said about three years ago his mom had noticed he was going to the bathroom frequently, so she took him to the doctor for some lab work. An abnormal level of protein was found in his urine and it was recommended that he see a kidney specialist.
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Posted in Features, Frederick, Health and fitness, Frederick news post, Health on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 2:00 am.
Agnesian Dialysis Services moving to Camelot Drive facility, opens March 16 - Fond du Lac Reporter |
BRET PASIUK, MD(Photo: Submitted Photo)
When someone has experienced kidney failure, proper ongoing treatment is absolutely essential. Agnesian Dialysis Services, now moving to 305 Camelot Drive in Fond du Lac, combines today's state-of-the-art technology with caring professionals who are committed to providing the highest quality dialysis services available.
The new facility, which will also house the Agnesian Health Shoppe (effective Monday, April 13), helps area dialysis patients become and remain, as healthy as possible, close to home.
"This new facility is designed for patient comfort, with aesthetic touches that include comfortable furnishings and attractive colors, individual TVs, and much more," says Diane Posthuma, Agnesian Dialysis Services director. "Comfort has also been in mind, and our patients will enjoy our new treatment chairs with heat and massage options."
The facility, with convenient access off the Highway 151 bypass, features 19 dialysis stations, along with the most current technology and highest quality of clinical care.
"We have a great deal of pride in the dialysis services being offered here, along with the dedicated, professional staff who each day provides our patients' care," according to Posthuma. "All of our staff members use their expertise not only to give treatments, but also to teach patients how to cope successfully with both their disease and their dialysis."
Agnesian Dialysis Services specially-trained staff is led by Drs. Bret Pasiuk and Rafal Ciecierski, both board-certified nephrologists. Dr. Pasiuk cares for patients in Beaver Dam and Fond du Lac, while Dr. Ciecierski sees patients in Fond du Lac and Waupun. They are joined by Aleshia Cole, APNP, nurse practitioner.
RAFAL CIECIERSKI MD (Photo: Submitted Photo)
Working closely with these providers are Diane Posthuma and Sue VanHouten, dialysis supervisors, and a full complement of certified nurses and technicians. In addition, Agnesian Dialysis Services offers patients comprehensive support services from dietitians, social workers and chaplains who understand the special needs of patients on dialysis.
In addition, staff works with patients on renal (kidney) transplant options, including getting them on transplant waiting lists.
For more information, call (920) 923-2333.
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US Rep. Tom Marino: My bill aims to modernize treatment for kidney patients - Wilkes Barre Times-Leader |
Approximately 50 years ago, kidney failure was a death sentence. Even considering that fact is unnerving. Today, more than 600,000 Americans are living with kidney failure – and a large majority of those lives are sustained by life-saving dialysis treatments. That’s hundreds of thousands of lives that would have been lost and hundreds of thousands of families that would have been broken apart before the invention and expansion of dialysis treatment.
In 1972, Congress developed the Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease benefit. In doing so, Congress ensured that regardless of age or income, any American would have access to life-saving dialysis care. That was the turning point in kidney care.
Now it’s time for this Congress to take the next step for those living with kidney disease by modernizing policies, improving care coordination, expanding patient choice and intensifying research. I am confident the Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act (HR 1130) can be instrumental in accomplishing these goals, and I am very proud to be the bill’s lead sponsor – but even more honored to have my friend and colleague Democrat John Lewis of Georgia standing by me in this effort as well.
The legislation is built on three primary tenets. First, for individuals living with chronic diseases, especially when those diseases are complicated by multiple co-morbid conditions, coordinated care is key to improving outcomes and lowering health care costs. Second, increased research can lead to a deeper understanding of kidney disease prevention and ultimately to significant innovations in treatment. Lastly, stability in the Medicare program is central to an ESRD program that ensures quality and produces optimal results.
Studies show promoting collaboration between primary physicians and specialists treating the same patients through coordinated care improves patient outcomes and reduces costs across the health delivery system. The coordinated care model is especially important for kidney dialysis patients – many of whom are living with multiple chronic conditions and have to work with multiple health care providers and health care settings – to improve the care experience for the patient, improve outcomes and capture savings and efficiencies.
To spur the creation of a workable coordinated care program for dialysis patients, HR 1130 would establish a voluntary program to incentivize nephrologists and dialysis facilities to better align medical treatment.
While many seniors – particularly those with multiple co-morbidities – rely on Medicare Advantage plans to coordinate their care, Medicare beneficiaries who develop ESRD are prohibited from enrolling in an MA plan. If we want health care delivery to be more efficient through care coordination, this prohibition is an outdated relic. HR 1130 would lift this prohibition and allow beneficiaries with ESRD the choice to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan.
Our bill expands options for dialysis patients by promoting home dialysis treatment options through telemedicine, especially in rural and underserved regions. The legislation would also permanently authorize ESRD special needs plans. All of these provisions provide individuals with kidney failure different disease management options.
Besides improving access to current treatment options, HR 1130 would improve research efforts to prevent, treat and cure chronic kidney disease and kidney failure in the future by helping to develop a strategic plan to better direct biomedical research funding.
U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, a Williamsport-area resident, serves the 10th congressional district, which stretches across 15 counties in central and Northeastern Pennsylvania, including portions of Lackawanna County.
Calls for first dialysis service in Gunnedah - Namoi Valley Independent |
Alphonse Evans is just one of a number of Gunnedah residents who are forced to make the journey to Tamworth for kidney treatment using dialysis.
Alphonse Evans is just one of a number of Gunnedah residents who are forced to make the journey to Tamworth for kidney treatment using dialysis.
Alphonse Evans is calling for dialysis machines to be established in Gunnedah. The 82-year-old has been receiving treatment for failing kidneys at Tamworth for seven months.
It’s a long day - leaving at 7am and returning at 4pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The 82-year-old has been on dialysis since June last year, and has made it his mission to try and secure a service for Gunnedah.
“If we could just get three units in Gunnedah, it would do,” Alphonse said.
“They are marvellous machines. They do everything.”
Patients who require dialysis do so when they develop end stage kidney failure - usually by the time you lose about 85 to 90 per cent of kidney function.
When they fail, the treatment keeps the body in balance by removing waste, salt and extra water to prevent them from building up in the body; keeps a safe level of certain chemicals in the blood, such as potassium, sodium and bicarbonate and helps to control blood pressure.
Alphonse started treatment after the blood pressure tablets he was on caused his kidneys to begin failing. Coupled with his wife Carol’s recent death, his doctor suggested he start treatment.
“Ever since I’ve been on dialysis, my health has been better. I’ve hardly needed any tablets. I just feel good.”
But the travel does take its toll. Alphonse takes community transport to Tamworth for the treatment at the hospital and it’s nearly a full day.
“If we had a service in Gunnedah, it would save a lot of time,” Alphonse said.
“It’s necessary for the people of Gunnedah.”
The 82-year-old said he has written to Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson and independent candidate Peter Draper to raise the issue.
He has also been in contact with New England MP Barnaby Joyce who will pass the concerns onto the federal health minister.
Alphonse is also pushing the issue with council, and has been in contact with Cr Colleen Fuller to drive an agenda.
“What I’ve got to do is get the full support of council.”
Alphonse said there is already dialysis machines in Moree, Inverell, Glen Innes, Armidale and Tamworth.