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User guide for Dialysis centre managers PDF Print

Global Dialysis was set up in 2000 by Russell England, whose wife Val wanted to carry on living a full life whilst on dialysis.  Val lost her fight with chronic kidney disease - this site is dedicated in her memory.

We are grateful for the support from dialysis companies and individual centres who list their centres with us so that they can be found by dialysis users.

Our site is independent, unaffiliated to any particular dialysis company or organisation. This section contains everything you need to know about setting up, managing and getting the most out of www.globaldialysis.com. 

The two main benefits of Global Dialysis for dialysis centres:

  • dialysis centers use Global Dialysis to help support their own dialysis patients with their travel plans
  • dialysis list their dialysis units with us so that they are visible to the global community for transient patients to book when there is spare capacity

Why include your dialysis centre on Gobal Dialysis?

  • www.globaldialysis.com is used by thousands of dialysis users and in centre staff sourcing dialysis around the world daily.
  • Updating your centre information and becoming a Global Dialysis Member will ensure that you reach your target audience everyday of the year.
  • By including your centre and keeping your information up to date you are demonstrating your support to dialysis users around the world.

More indepth information is at the links below:

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